Sunday, July 29, 2007

"Stuck in Neutral? Try What I Did 11 Years Ago..."

My first course for my online business was through getting a free report from Jim Daniels - JDD Publishing. After reading the Special Report which you can see on your right,I know I have to get into this Work At Home Plan to help me start my online business.I am glad I did, coz the amount of information from this course has helped me tremendously to have a good foundation.

Whatever things we may like to do, be it online business or offline business, we need to have a sound foundation before we even think of any other thing.

Imagine this. One day, you decided to build a house from ground zero. In your mind, you can actually see a beautiful house with lots of beautiful rooms and nice furnitures. So the next thing you did was, in your excitement to have this beautiful house,you rush out to look for nice household products, furnitures and decorative stuffs. You bought so many now you don't know where to put them. You forgot you have not even started to build the house you wanted. So what happen? You got a big problem now. Imagine the mess you have to go through? Finding a place to contain your stuffs.

Just imagine the whole triangle is now upside down..meaning having the pointed side facing down. That means to say, you have placed the Planning and Building Foundation on top and the furnishing of the house at the bottom. The Triangle will topple quickly if you know what I am talking about.

The right way to do is to turn the triangle around, and having the broad base to be the Planning and Building Foundation first, then comes all the rest, like furnishing and decoration.

I think this is a better plan and more sound in any way. Don't you agree?

So I have here Jim Daniel, my first mentor, who has given me the foundation to start my online business
to also teach you to do the same. Read what he has to say.

* Article by Jim Daniels of JDD Publishing,

As most of my subscribers realize, I teach folks how to start and grow a business on the Internet. Specifically, I show them how to identify a niche, build a site, get visitors and subscribers, and make sales -- all the tasks necessary to earn a steadily increasing income online.

But there is a step I rarely discuss -- a single step everyone must take before they can earn serious profits from any business. I like to call it shifting into First Gear. And today I'm going to show you exactly what this means, and why you must take this step.

We all know that every successful Internet venture requires a product or service, a website, an email marketing campaign and more. But before all those important steps can be put into place, something has to happen INSIDE OF YOU first.

In some people it just happens. You transform from a person who is programmed to work hard, in most cases as an employee -- into a person who works smart -- inspired to be creative, and self-employed.

That, ladies and gentlemen, is First Gear. Once you've achieved it, you're on your way.

Stay with me for a moment, this is very important...

Unfortunately, most folks never get out of neutral. In fact, some people are more than happy to stay there indefinitely. That's because neutral can be comfortable. After all, there are very few risks or changes when you're not moving forward.

Here's what "Neutral" feels like...

1. Getting up early every morning in most cases, with the aid of an alarm clock.

2. Going through your morning routine, striving to get to work on time.

3. Stopping for a cup of coffee on the way to work and thinking about, or in many cases, dreading your upcoming day.

4. Doing what you're told or what's expected of you for eight or so hours until the clock hits quitting time.

5. Going home and settling in for some TV time before you go to sleep, so you can wake up and do it all over again.

Sounds a bit mundane, perhaps even boring, eh?

Believe me, it can be if you let it. I know, because I was stuck in neutral until the ripe old age of 32. Neutral was all I knew. That is, until I answered a classified ad from a magazine and was introduced to the world of self-employment. Although that particular ad did not turn out to be my answer, my action was. Yes, that day something woke up in me and I shifted into first gear.

Here's what "first gear" felt like to me...

1. Getting up early every morning and writing down an idea or two about how to become self-employed.

2. Recording my new ideas on my audio cassette recorder on the way to work.

3. Putting in maximum effort at my job until the clock hit quitting time, just to test my ambition and drive.

4. Recording more ideas and chapter headings for my first how-to book all the way home.

5. Trading my nightly TV time for 3-4 hours on the computer researching niches, entering my ideas and creating my projects.

Now, wouldn't you agree that's not too different than neutral? I mean, I did not quit my job (at least not until my new income source surpassed that of my 9-5) and I still had lots of time to do what I wanted. I simply motivated my brain to be more creative and use my time more wisely.

A better way to look at it like this...

I took a step in the right direction. I had no idea it would lead me to an income of more than $400,000 a year and hours shorter than a banker.

Actually, today I like to think of my current gear as "still upshifting", but now I'm in 3rd or 4th gear. I get up without the help of an alarm clock. I head to the golf course or lounge out in the pool with the kids. Finally, when I feel like it, I work a few hours on the computer. It may be in the afternoon or at night, but the main thing is this... I fit work in around living, not the other way around.

It's a lifestyle I never dreamed I'd achieve when I was stuck in neutral. But it happened because IN ONE MOMENT I made the conscious decision to shift out of neutral into first gear.

And that folks, is the step that most people never take.

So today I want you to answer just one question... are you stuck in neutral?

If you think the answer might be yes, I have a resource that can help you get into first gear quickly and painlessly. After all, sometimes all you need is a little nudge.

It's called "The New Age Work At Home Plan: Internet Based Financial Independence in 10 Simple Steps" and it is 100% free to you today. So before you spend ANY money trying to make money online, grab a Free Copy. Important: To bypass the $97 order form, just use the Gold Key at the site. It will bring you right to the download area.

OK, let's wrap today's lesson up...

There are lots of gurus on and off the web. Just remember this... no matter who you choose to listen to, the main thing is that you take that first step in the right direction -- first gear. That's the key to success - taking the first step and getting started. Why not do it today.

I wish you lots of success and see a relaxing, rewarding lifestyle in your future.

To your online marketing success,
Jim Daniels - JDD Publishing
Creator of
- the world's first View it and Do It software for profiting from the web.

Friday, July 20, 2007

What You Must Know About Google's Terms Of Service

When you install a piece of software, you usually get an End User License Agreement that you're supposed to read carefully. You're then supposed to click a button to show that you've read it all through, understand it and agree with every word. If anyone but the lawyers who write these things has ever read them I'll eat my hat. Most people just click and move on.

The Google Terms of Service are different.

Before you put Google's AdSense code on your website, you must read the Terms of Service carefully. I'm not just saying that to protect myself legally; I'm saying that to protect your income.

Google's terms are strict but sensible. They stop people from talking users who have no intention of buying from an advertiser into clicking on an ad. They protect advertisers from having their sites promoted in places with objectionable content. And they stop publishers from playing around with the code.

That last point is important. One of the biggest reasons that people get banned from Google is that they play around with the code to improve the way their ads look. They get a bit too smart and think they can do a better job than Google. That's a terrible mistake.

If you break the Terms of Service - even accidentally - you could find yourself banned for life. That's the loss of all your AdSense revenues because of one silly mistake.

The fact is, there are lots of perfectly legitimate strategies that you can use to change the way your ads look. Google itself provides a whole box of tools that you can use - and you should use them. It's precisely how you use those tools that will determine whether or not your site brings in pennies or bucketloads of bucks. In fact, there are so many ways that you can change the way your ad looks that there's no need to touch the code at all.

That doesn't mean you can't use code at all though. One way to increase your click-throughs is to put the code inside a table so that the ads make a better impression on the page. Is that in line with Google's Terms of Service? You bet - provided you know how or do it right. And you can bet that it will have a great effect on your click-throughs and your revenues.

Go Here For More Google AdSense tips,

Copyright © 2005 Joel Comm. All rights reserved

Joel Comm is Dr. AdSense, an Internet entrepreneur who has been online for more than 20 years. Joel is co-creator of, now known as Yahoo! Games and is the author of the web's best-selling AdSense ebook, "Google AdSense Secrets (Or What Google Never Told You About Making Money With Adsense)".

Information on Work At Home Plans also visit

Monday, July 2, 2007

Want To Prepare Your Retirement? Start An Online Home Based Business.

Copyright © Gamy Rachel

Are you searching for Work At Home and Online Home Based Business ? You are not alone, there all more and more people searching for some work at home plans to prepare themselves for retirement. If you are searching for a Work At Home business, then pay attention. We are going to talk about a way you can do just that.

It is no wonder that more and more people want to work at home. Jobs no longer provide much in the way of security or even career satisfaction. The reason for this, many times comes down to one simple factor, loyalty. This is especially true in larger companies. The way businesses are bought and sold have left many people feeling unappreciated and insecure.

Pension plans have dried up. 401k is also not enough for you to rely on. Thousands of people do not have the money they are supposed to have. Your boss today may just be gone tomorrow. And on and on we can go. This has left many people looking for a way to work for themselves at home.

Have you ever heard of affiliate marketing? Amazon is credited with starting one of the first affiliate programs on the internet.

As an affiliate for Amazon, you could make money selling books for them or anything you can think of,for example ipods, cameras, hand-phones and even grocery. The more products you sell the more money you make.

As Amazon became more successful, other companies quickly began to copy them. For several years now, anyone has been able to sell all kinds of different products and get paid to do it. Some companies will even give you a free Shopping Mall for you to advertise to sell their products online.

This is an excellent two ways arrangement. Companies get more sales without having to hire more employees to do it. The affiliates are rewarded for their efforts by earning a generous commission on their sales.

There is no ceiling on the amount of money affiliates earn, and there are people earning over a million dollars a year doing it, and I am not talking about those make quick money scam,or fly by night companies, I am referring to legitimate online businesses where we will be paid accordingly. According to how much work and time we are willing to put in, and by this I mean it is about serious business, not a leisure business.

The people who made the most money treat their online business and affiliate marketing business seriously, because this will be their bread and butter to make a living as an affiliate. They work hard to promote their business, just like a business person owning businesses offline. You are your own boss and you do not work under somebody but for yourself, so you have to be self-motivated and self-disciplined in order to be successful.If you can do that, working at home doing affiliate marketing will be an enjoyable and rewarding retirement plan for you.

To work at home with your own affiliate marketing business it is advisable to join a few affiliate programs just to play safe, just in case one goes down, you can continue with the others. You can Google search the words "affiliate programs" or "affiliate marketing," and you will begin to see the potential that is out there for you.

If you like a specific product such as Self help products or anything that you are interested in, you could search for them and the search will come up with more products with specific results to look into.

I have just given you a great way to work at home. No matter where you are in the world, you can do it, just as long as you have a computer and an internet connection, you can start anytime.

About the Author:
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
My Power Mall


Thursday, June 28, 2007

Paypal Is To Become A Bank

PayPal is one of the most trusted online processor for online payments. It offers a safe and easy to use system for online shoppers to pay for their purchases and also for merchants to receive as well a sending payments. Founded in 1998,and is also most popular among eBay users.

PayPal has now obtained the license to operate as a bank starting from 2 July 2007. The new headquarters will be located in Luxemburg.

Base on Forrester Research report, 23% of online shoppers prefer to use PayPal services and in 2006 PayPal moved a total of $USD 8,4 billions in payments.
Today there are a total of 100,000 websites which use PayPal as a payment method.
It has more than 130m users worldwide. And most of the mass majority of the companies using Paypal are small retailers.

Brent Bellm,who has served as Vice President and General Manager of PayPal Europe since October 2005 said the changes would allow the company to increase the number of online retailers offering the service.

I personally have some pleasant encounter with PayPal support services. They responded to my request promptly and was polite with their replies too.

What are your views on Paypal becoming a Licensed Bank in Europe? Will Paypal be expanding as a bank all over the whole? How will it affect the members using Paypal?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Review of

Here is a review on done by a friend, Suzanne Morrison, who is a successful and experienced marketer, you will understand more by reading the info below.

Thanks for visiting, enjoy reading :)

Gamy Rachel

Review of

by Suzanne Morrison (NOC) is a division of Carson Services, the parent company of the well known affiliate program, SFI (Strong Future International).

The primary aim of NOC is to provide offers for consumers to save money on products and services both online or offline, anywhere in the world.

This review of NOC will explain what NOC is about, how it can benefit consumers, affiliates and merchants, what the costs are, what the drawbacks are and how to sign up.

Nice Offers for Consumers

The website is a place for consumers to get discount or special offer coupons for many things which they normally buy either locally or online.

The site has a search facility to help find offers in many different categories including electronics, entertainment, flowers and gifts, advertising and marketing, books, travel and more.

You can search by state or by country and browse through a selection of offers. Once you have found an offer of interest you can tell a friend about it or enter your name and email address to have the coupon emailed to you.

Next, just visit the vendor and use your coupon, or enter the coupon code online if it is an online offer.

To search for offers just visit

Nice Offers for Merchants is a no risk method of advertising for merchants both online and offline. Registering your business on is free and works on a cost per action basis i.e. you only have to pay when someone actually uses a coupon at your store, restaurant or online business. There is no risk of paying for advertising that doesn't work

The cost to you is the discount amount for the customer + a fee known as a “bounty” which you set yourself.

To register and setup a coupon just visit

Nice Offers for Affiliates

As an affiliate you have various ways to make money with NOC including:

* Referring new merchants to NOC – If you refer a new merchant to NOC you will earn commissions on every coupon that is used at that merchant for life.

* Referring consumers to NOC - You can give away coupons to your friends and family, refer people to the NOC website or advertise NOC offers on your own website or blog. Every time someone uses a coupon you’ll receive a portion of the bounty offered by the merchant.

Anyone can sign up as an affiliate of SFI for free and start promoting NOC straight away. SFI also provides merchant prospecting packs including professional postcards, letters and leaflets to attract new merchants.

The Cost of Nice Offers is free to join for affiliates and free to use for consumers. It is also free for merchants to list their business and they need only pay a fee when a sale is made.

Disadvantages of Nice Offers

At the moment, although is an international opportunity and can be used by affiliates, consumers and merchants worldwide, the majority of the offers on the site at present are US focused.

The marketing material supplied by SFI also tends to be US specific, with 1-800 numbers on their offline promotional material.

How to Sign Up

Consumers and Merchants should visit

Affiliates should visit Here

About the Author:
Suzanne Morrison works from home on the internet full time. She is an affiliate of SFI and the webmaster of Business Ideas Online

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Google Adsense

Many people are talking about Google Adsense, and making money from placing the Google Adsense Ads on your blogs or websites. They said that there are money to be made by doing that. Is that really truth? Well yes and no. Firstly, let's talk about yes,

there is money to be made, but how? These are the things you need to do first.

1. Go to Google Adsense page and create a free account.

2. Provide all your details and the Website URL or blog you wish to place the Google Adsense Ads and submit it to Google Adsense Team for approval.

3. Approximately about 4 days, you will receive an email from them to tell you whether your application is approved. If yes, Congratulations!

4. Once it is approved, you can then go to your Adsense back office to get to Ads code to place it in your blogs or websites. Once you can get the code, you can place it in any of your sites or blog even if you did not put that URL when you first submit your details. But make sure it is your own sites. There will be walkthroughs in the back office for you learn how to get your codes.

5. How does Google know what Ads to show on your sites when you place the code there? Well, Google's system can filter out what Ads to show on your sites or blogs
basing on the content of your page.

Next I will mention about the no, you will not make money issue:

1) If your sites or blogs do not have enough traffic, that means no one is visiting it except yourself, then how on earth can you make money from Google Adsense, it doesn't make sense :)

2) No, you don't go click on those Google Adsense Ads placed on your own sites or
blogs, you will not only not be paid, your license will be terminated.

3) Placing your Google Adsense Ads at the wrong place and wrong color combination are some factors that will affect your earnings.
Best place to place the Ads are at the top of your sites or blogs, mid section is sometimes ok too. Bottom will not be so good.

You can read about the recommendations at Google's back office too. Below is a map you can see.

Certain locations tend to be more successful than others. This "heat map" illustrates these ideal placements on a sample page layout. The colors fade from dark orange (strongest performance) to light yellow (weakest performance). All other things being equal, ad placements above the fold tend to perform better than those below the fold. Ads placed near rich content and navigational aids usually do well because users are focused on those areas of a page.

For your learning resources you can watch the demos on

1) Get Started demos

2) Activation demos

3) Help with Ad Code Demo

This is a recording done by Joel Comm about The Adsense Code
and the book written by him

Hope this will help you to understand better about Google Adsense.

Also Visit My Other Blog -Make A Living Honestly

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Surf and Earn

Have you heard about the buzz by now? About the AGLOCO View bar already released for members to install? do our usual surfing and earn money? I have waited for the viewbar to be released for a long time now, and neck is a little longer now :) but well, it is worth the wait because as Agloco mentioned,they wanted to make sure that everything will be fine and would want the least problem to happen, so they did many tests,test and re-tested again,again and again, just to make sure that once they release the viewbar, it should run smoothly. Well done AGLOCO, it is good now, cos I have already installed the viewbar on my desktop and is sitting there real pretty and silently accumulating hours of surfing for me. Want to see the viewbar? Here it is, a screen shot from my PC. Click on the image to enlarge it.

Isn't it Cool? Just a tiny viewbar and it can make me money as I do my usual surfing, nothing to change, don't have to change my surfing habits or what so ever, plus it takes me only a minute to install it. Maybe I can give you more information on Agloco now, since you read thus far.

Members make money in many ways, while AGLOCO is the channel to help us.

AGLOCO makes money for its members via things like:

Revenue from Advertising: The Viewbar will displays ads that are related to the websites you’re visiting. So when you click on those ads and purchased something, AGLOCO receives a referral fee, which will then be passed on to Agloco Members. The larger number of Agloco community network the better, because there will be more buying power.

(IMPORTANT: Individual who are Agloco members do not receive any compensation for clicking ads on their own Viewbar and Agloco’s system is sophisticated enough to detect if someone is clicking ads fraudulently)

Google Search: Each time you use the Google Search box from the Viewbar to do a search on anything, AGLOCO earns money from the search engine providers.
(Just like Google pays about $0.10 on average for each search done via the normal Google Search )

Software Companies: Multiple software companies pay websites to promote download of new software releases and trial versions of new programs. (for instant, Acrobat Reader and Adobe’s Flash software). AGLOCO members not only have the privilege to get access to the latest software from these websites, they get paid for it. It’s it cool?

Service distribution: AGLOCO will be a look upon source for many online service providers for new and active users to use their services.(Companies like PayPal, eBay, Clickbank, Skype just to name a few, pays a fee to those who
refer new users to their services)

Transaction deals: Numerous major retailers pay commissions when you refer customers who make a purchase. AGLOCO collects the commission and passes it on to members. The bigger the AGLOCO community, the better commission we can get)

AGLOCO Members make money in four ways.

You surf, Agloco Pays:
You as a member get paid to surf the internet. Agloco’s revenue comes from the member’s use of the viewbar every month. Just do your normal surfing, with the viewbar on, and you will be paid depending on the hours.

Share Of Commissions:
Members will also get a share of any commissions AGLOCO gets when a Member purchases a product or service from an AGLOCO Sponsor company

Members earn part of the company
Members earn part of the company based on the use of the AGLOCO Viewbar that month (currently a maximum of five hours are rewarded).

You recruit members, Agloco pays you even more:
If you also introduce others to sign up and use the viewbar, Agloco’s referral system will reward you generously, because you are also helping Agloco network to grow. So you will get a bigger share.

So what are you waiting for? Join in early before your friends and family are taken by other AGLOCO members. It is a very easy thing to do.

Join in Free, Install Viewbar, and start making money while doing your usual surfing. Easy right ?

So what are you waiting for? go ahead and join if you want to surf and earn
Go here to join

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Multiple Skills for the 21st Century

Multiple Skills for the 21st Century
by Jim Rohn

I find it's important to not walk into the beginning part of this 21st Century without multiple skills.

But what I also find is that if you are already in sales, network marketing or have an entrepreneurial business (or plan to in the future), you can gain the needed skills for the future while you create your income now.

Here's my short list for on the job training, so that you can learn while you earn.


I began my journey with sales, which of course dynamically changed my life back at age 25. The first year I multiplied my income by five. I was raised in farm country. I knew how to milk cows, but it didn't pay well. But sales altered the course of my life, learning to present a valid product in the marketplace, talk about its virtues and get somebody to say "yes." And then give them good service.


Then came recruiting, how to expand my business, build an organization. We have all heard the question, is it better to have one person selling a $1000 or have 100 people selling $10? If you ask me, I'll take the 100 at $10. Recruiting, the ability to multiply your efforts, once mastered, is one of life and leadership's greatest time management resources.


Then I learned organizing. Keeping your own schedule can be difficult at times, but now you have to balance multiple tasks and people to get maximum results. But you will find that the payoff is massive once you have tapped into the synergy and momentum of group dynamics and teamwork.


Next is promotion. First it's the spring campaign and then the fall campaign, and then it's this month's objective's campaign. You never know when it's going to click for someone to want or need to buy from you or be a part of what you are doing, so having the offer or the special or the contest going when they're ready can make all the difference.


Then it's the recognition. Some people work harder for recognition than they do for money. It's the chance to belong. Getting people to do something that ordinarily on their own, they wouldn't think of doing. They could, but they don't think of it. You come along with a little promotion for this month or this quarter and everything changes for them, and I found that paid big money.


Then I learned communication. How to do the training, how to do the teaching, and probably the greatest gift of all is learning how to inspire with words. Inspire people to see themselves better than they are; all of those gifts, all of those skills. Being the voice that tells them they have made a wise decision and here's why.

Now, I believe that as you walk into this century with just that little short list I've given you, you'll be equipped. We've all watched what has happened the last 15 years. The guy had one skill - the company downsizes. His division is eliminated and since he only had one skill, now he is vulnerable. He's wandering around saying, "Oh my, the last few years I should have taken some classes that would have taught me a couple of more things and I wouldn't be here in this vulnerable position."

So my admonition -- learn some multiple skills, or should we say, back-up skills for the 21st Century and no better place to learn them than in what you’re already doing now.

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

Make A Living Honestly Blog

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Do Your Homework Before You Join Any Affiliate Programs

6 tips to take note before you join any affiliate programs, this will save you time, energy and money.

Thousands upon thousands affiliate programs are available in the market. Selecting the best affiliate programs to promote can be a daunting task. If you promote the wrong affiliate programs, you can waste your precious time, energy and money. Here are 6 factors to look out for in choosing the best affiliate programs.

1. Search The Market,Find Out If There Is A Demand
Search the market to see if there is a demand for the product. Simply put, do people want your product? Know what range of people will buy your product, like the age group and gender. Where to find this group of people. Do a Google search and also get a Keyword Tool to check the number of people searching for this kind of products. Know your market first before you promote.First the market then the supply.If you give the supply without a demand, you will have a hard time.

2. Check Out The Sales Page
Check out the sales page of that product. First of all, ask yourself, will you buy from this website? Does it attract or entice you to want to part with your money to buy the product? Is it easy to order, and does this site provide payment processors that are prominent?
Sometimes your gut feeling can tell. If you do not feel like you can trust this site, and if it is too good to be true, you maybe right, give it a miss.

3. Commission Pay Out, Not Lesser Then 50%
How much is the company willing to pay their affiliates is very important, because you will be spending your time, effort and money to advertise and promote their products. It has to be a fair exchange. Normally 50% and above will be a good percentage.

4. Quality Of Product
Will you buy the product yourself? Have you heard any good and bad reviews of the products? No one product is perfect, so there maybe some bad reports on the product. When comparing the good reports with the bad ones, if they are 90% good and only 10% bad, then go ahead and promote. There is no perfect product.

5. Make Sure The Helpdesk/Supportdesk Is Supportive.
There is nothing more frustrating then contacting the helpdesk/support desk with a question and you only receive a reply few weeks later, and worst if you do not get a reply at all. One way to test if this company is supportive to their affiliates and customers, write in and ask questions and see how fast you get a reply and what type of answer they are giving you. Even if they reply you, but the answer is abrupt, showing no sign of helpfulness and politeness, run ten miles away from this company, you will regret having dealings with them when you encounter serious problem and need their help later.

6. Tracking
Ad tracking is very vital to your business. It is always good to have a software to track the results of the sales of the products you promote. Why is that so? Because if you do not know how much sales it generates out of the number of visitors you sent to the merchant's sales page, you are actually throwing darts in the dark, hoping to hit the target without knowing where you are aiming. For all you know, you maybe throwing your darts into the drain.
Example, if you sent 500 visitors to the sales pages and one 1 bought, you know there is something wrong, that means the conversion rate is lousy. 1 to 2% is reasonable. If you do not that, dump the product and move on to the other products. Time and energy is money, so know where you are throwing your darts.

Hope you will start on the right note after considering doing all the above. Wishing you success in your Affiliate Marketing.

Copyright © Gamy Rachel

Gamy Rachel is a home based business entrepreneur. In the financial industry for 20 years, now does online business.
More information on Affiliate Marketing

Make A Living Honestly Blog

Monday, April 23, 2007

We Have Done Everything For You.

So That You Have Less To Do
But More To Make

If you have been searching for a Home Based Business,
one WITHOUT high overheads, to help you earn some extra
income, and also if you are New to this whole concept of
doing Online Business, I have something to share with you.

First of all, if you are new but is serious in making a honest
living online, then you certainly need help.

You need a running SYSTEM, one that has already been set up
for you, all ready to just plonk in the KEY and READY to DRIVE off.

I was once like you, new to online business, yet know that
there is GREAT Potential for earning a good income
staying at home, not having to commute to work
every morning, not having to answer to anybody
except to yourself, you can start your own online business
but unless you know where to start.

To jump start a business which you are not familiar with,
it is crucial to have a workable and easy to use system
to start off with.

Imagine when you walk into a company that you recently joined,
and nobody is there to tell you what to do, where to start,
where to get information, and worst yet, your boss just plonk a
stack of files and documents and say nothing what to do next,
and leave you to figure it out all by yourself,
do you think you will know where to start?
Do you think you will make MANY, MANY mistakes?
Do you think you will have to start all over again?
and be wasting many precious hours?
It's obvious isn't it?
You will be in total CONFUSION AND FRUSTRATION !!!

Why is a good system so important to run your business
especially when you are new?
Well, let me share this with you. Through my 20 years
of experience in the sales force, I have joined 3 companies,
one with a proper running system, 2 without.
Guess which one brought me the most headaches?
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know the answer, of course
it's the ones WITHOUT a good system to run the business.
It's total confusion everyday!
No good communications between staffs, No proper system to
pass down urgent messages, no clear and directive navigation
to get information quicker..
Can you see the CONFUSION yet?

So START your Online Business with a good system.
You'll save yourself alot of time and headaches for running
around searching from A to Z.
Start somewhere, then expand your business later when you
know all the tricks of doing business online.

Now that I have shared my experiences and my 2 cents worth
of ideas with you, I can't leave you hanging and let you figure
out all by yourself where to get help.

I have started with these running systems when I first got online,
and I have received many important and useful information
to help me jump start my online business.

Stone Evans
"Online Marketer Of The Year 2006"

PluginProfits by Stone Evans
Without this running system I would be totally lost.
With his years of experience, Stone Evans is willing to share his
on online business strategy with anyone who is willing to listen.
[learn more about Stone Evans' System]

Make Home Profits
Stone Evans has done everything for me, gave me the
key and I only need to drive off. You can too...[learn more]

Wealthy Affiliate University
This is an excellent place to learn to be a wealthy affiliate.
Excellent up to date information to help your online business.
[learn more]
Also read Who Loves Money by Kyle and Carson
[learn more]

Step-By-Step Coaching
You will certainly need this, because knowing some technical
stuffs can help you long way..[learn more]

Own An Online Store
Another ready to run system which I highly recommend.
No need to source for products to sell, it's all there.
No need to keep inventory of stocks, it's all taken care of.
Visit my Online Store 1 here
Visit my Online Store 2 here (Free Store)

More Resources
Don't struggle on your own, learn from others.
The fastest way to succeed is to learn from
other peoples' success and failures.

Join a community here..
Warrior Forum

"The fastest way for you to succeed is by piggy-backing
on the good advice and counsel of men and women who have
already spent years learning how to succeed.
When you do this on a regular and systematic basis,
you will open up doors of opportunity and possibilities for you
that today you cannot even imagine."...
Brian Tracy

Make A Living Honestly Blog